Friday, September 12, 2008

Given both Project Task A and B,
Our group had choosen Project Task A


:) We are to set up a blog to reflect ......
> On the challenges at social cohesion that Singapore has faced and is facing today.
> How government has managed ethnic diversity and importance to do so.
> Explore other ways of bonding Singapore and inviting comments.

:) Project focus:
> Appreciate what Singapore has done so far to foster social cohesion
> Generate new ideas to unite Singaporeans as one people and one nation and to forge a
national identity in a globalizing world.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Lim Zi Hui - Leader :)
= lead in group discussions, ensuring everything is right
= ensuring task is completed on time

Seah Kai Ler - Secretary :)
= keep a group file, collecting the worksheet and updating them
= collect researched notes

Royce Foo - IT coordinator :)

= posting reflectings and collected information on blog in a presentable way

See Yu Hang - Blog designer :)

= creating a blog, ensuring it to be presentation

Lee Jun Kang - Time-Keeper :)

= keep all group members informed about the deadlines

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Question 1)
How different are we?

Reflection :
Singapore, being a multi-ethnic society, people coming from all parts of the world living together on the 20 smallest countries in the world, with a total land area of only 699.47 sq. km. Despite the limited land and resources, we as Singaporeans are able to live together in harmony and peace.
So how are we different? We are different in our culture, race, language, religion, values and customs, background and even the obvious skin colour.

For instance,
what is culture?
Culture = the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc. (from dictionary)

what is Singaporean? Singaporeans are basically made up of people all over the world of diferent races. Majority ones are the Chinese, Malays, Indians and Eurasians.

Chinese :D makes up 75.6%
Malays :D makes up 13.6%
Indians :D makes up 8.7%
Eurasians and other :D makes up 2.1%

Each racial group has its own distinctive religion and there are colorful festivals of special significance all year round.
For example:

  • Chinese celebrates chinese new year
  • Malay celebrates HariRaya
  • Indian celebrates Deepavali
  • Eurasians celebrates Christmas
Although the festivals are special to certain races, it is nonetheless enjoyed by all. I think that is one of the reasons why Singapore can live together peacefully till today.


Since Singaporeans are made of people all over the world,
naturally people coming from different backgrounds would carry different languages to this land.

The four official languages of Singapore are Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English. English is the most common language used and is the language which unites the us.
In school, students are taught in English but also not forgetting their mother tongue to make sure they don't lose contact with their traditions.

I feel, another thing that makes us one country is our Singapore English, "Singlish"
funny terms like "lah, leh, meh, lor, mah"

some widely used examples

  • OK lah, bye bye.
  • Don't like that lah.
  • You are going there ah?
  • The price is too high for me lah.
  • It is very troublesome ley.
  • Don't be like that ley!

It sounds silly, but that is the badge of identity of Singaporeans :D

Following, RELIGIONS
Christianity 14.7%
Islam 14.9%
Hinduism 4%

Taoism&Buddhism 51%

No religion 14.8%

I am thankful that Singaporeans respect and tolerate each and others' religions
It is important to learn the differences in religous beliefs and practices. I am sure we don not want racial riots to happen in Singapore again, a great example is the Maria Hertogh riots in 1950.